BONNIE’S GARDEN – Beautiful Perennial Fall Color

Lycoris for Perennial Fall Color

Lycoris are strong perennials that send up lush foliage in the spring, which then dies down, and they bloom in late summer without foliage—hence the nicknames Surprise Lilies, Magic Lilies, or Naked Ladies.

Because they bloom late summer/early fall at the beginning of hurricane season, they are sometimes called Hurricane Lilies. And there is a pretty bright red spidery one sometimes called Spider Lily.

Lycoris, native to the Orient, is an easy-to-grow member of the amaryllis family which means, like daffodils (another amaryllis family member), they are not bothered by voles, squirrels, or deer. And, like daffodils, the bulbs will split and divide over time making big beautiful clusters.

Beautiful and Pest-Proof

The bulbs are available now and can be planted right away. Plant them with the neck of the bulb at the soil surface in a spot where they will receive six hours or more of sunlight. Mulch with a loose fluffy mulch (like pine tags or leaves) over the winter, but be sure to remove the mulch when the bulbs begin to send up foliage in the spring.

Another fabulous fall bloomer is the Colchicum—sometimes called Autumn Crocus—though they’re unrelated. They’re native to South Africa. Colchicums have large crocus-like flowers in rose-pink or white that are about 8 to 10 inches tall. They’ve very easy bloomers—even blooming unpotted on a windowsill. When they’re done blooming, plant them four inches deep in a sunny spot for beautiful color every fall. This is another one not bothered by four-legged pests.

And Other Bulbs

Other fall-blooming bulbs can be planted now, too. Fall-blooming crocus is related to the pretty spring-blooming crocus which brightens our yards in February/March, however, fall crocuses bloom in October and can be planted four inches deep in drifts right in lawns or anywhere you want fresh pretty fall color.

All of these are beautiful perennial fall colors. Plant once and enjoy them every year! And, of course, there are other flowers for fall color, too. Come in and let us help you select beautiful color for your flower beds!

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