LET’S TALK GARDENING – Enjoying Homegrown Herbs


Container gardening continues to be a very popular gardening trend. A couple of reasons for the popularity of herb gardens are that almost anyone can grow homegrown herbs in a container. And, secondly, container gardening allows individuals to grow fresh herbs on a patio, deck, or porch.

Sure, you can get fresh herbs from most grocery stores, but why not grow your own? You will have an endless supply of herbs and you will have the pleasure of growing them yourself.

I have parsley, oregano, thyme, rosemary, tarragon, and chives all growing in containers year-round. Then, just recently, I now have a pot of basil growing. To share more of my personal experience, I have never been more successful with growing herbs than I have now with growing them in containers.

One thing that I learned when it comes to homegrown is that when harvesting the herb is at its highest level for taste and nutrition.


  • Be sure to place the containers in as much direct sunlight as possible. Most herbs will require a minimum of six to eight hours of sunlight. If you place the container up against a wall then be sure to rotate the container periodically so that the backside isn’t always in the shade.
  • I would recommend a container that is at least 10” or 12” in size.
  • The soil needs to be loose and of high quality. I love using ESPOMA POTTING MIX. I find this soil to provide the good drainage that herbs require.
  • With all plantings, I use the ESPOMA BIO-TONE with every plant. I can’t say enough about this product when it comes to the plants’ performance.
  • Watering—watering is important but remember, herbs don’t like wet soil continuously. So, use your finger and stick it down into the soil and feel for moisture. If the soil feels moist then skip watering for another day or two.
  • Harvesting—Harvest the leaves often. This keeps the herbs from blooming and keeps them producing more leaves. Take off the oldest stems first.

It is now mid-May, and it is safe to have our herbs outdoors for the remainder of the summer. Even the very popular annual herb, Basil, is good to grow in containers now.


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