Repotting Houseplants

When people buy a new houseplant, one of the first things they often ask is, “When do I repot it?” The correct answer is, “Not yet.”

Repotting is a shock to the plant. Taking it home to a new environment is a shock to the plant. Try to give a plant no more than one shock at a time.

So How Do You Know When a Plant Needs Repotting?

If you’ve got a plant at home, how do you know if it needs to be repotted? If you notice that it’s beginning to dry out faster than it used to, it’s usually a sign that the plant and the roots have gotten bigger and the root ball cannot hold enough moisture.

Some plants grow “sideways,” sending new shoots to the side. If the new growth touches the sides of the pot, then the plant needs a little more room.

If you’ve got a huge knot of roots from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, you may need to repot.

What to Do

Remember to use the correct soil mix—cacti and succulents, citrus, orchids, and African violets all have special requirements for soil, so be sure to pick the correct type.

If your plant has lots of yellow leaves or brown tips, chances are the problem is CULTURAL, not because it needs repotting. Also, if your plant is drying out less than once a week, chances are it does not have enough roots yet to fill the pot, so repotting it to give it more soil to hold more moisture is not necessary.

Go up to the next pot size or only by about one inch. Over-potting gives you much more soil to hold more water, keeping a plant too wet.

Remember, these rules are for houseplants, NOT fast-growing summer annuals that go from seeds to blooming in one season.

Did You Say Free Repotting?

We have everything you need to repot your plants—from several different soils to many new pots. We can repot your plant for you if you like. And speaking of repotting…

And – serious bonus – February is Houseplant Month here! We’ll repot it for you for free, the whole month.

Bring your houseplant to the Great Big Greenhouse for professional repotting now. Your plant will say, “Thank You!”

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