What To Do For Your Plants This Spring/Summer

There is all kinds of information on what to do with your outdoor garden plants in the spring.  But what should you do with your indoor plants?

Let’s Begin With Nutrients

If you have not already started feeding your indoor plants, you should start now.  I usually start feeding mine end-February.  Even indoor plants, in the spring, are responding to brighter light levels and longer days by making more food via photosynthesis.  They need the additional nutrients in the soil to do their job nitrogen for foliage growth, phosphorus for bloom and root development and potassium for more vigor and disease resistance.

Dust Your Plants! Really?

The next thing you should do is dust your plants.  Dust my plants?  Yes!  When dust  builds up on a plant it can cut down on the amount of light they’re able to get.  Another thing. Don’t just do it in the spring–every month or so is better. For prickly plants like cacti, a SOFT brush can work.

Placing Your Plants Outside? Let’s Take it Slow

If you’ll be moving your plants outside for the summer in a week or two, then remember, when you move them out, do it so you do not sunburn the foliage.  Move them out under a tree –yes, even sunlovers like citrus and succulents.  Leave them there for a week or two, then move them to the outer branches of the tree where they will get a little more sun before moving them into your final spot.

When you move plants outside, remember their needs can change because their environment has changed.  In better light, they may dry out faster, but, if Mother Nature rains on them, they may be wet so go back to the basics of actually checking the soil with your finger first.  Our significantly higher summer humidity can also affect how often you water.

Enjoy Your Indoor Plants in Winter and Join Them Outside in Summer

Most plants love being outside for the summer so be prepared to enjoy them and have fun!

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