GARDENING INFO FROM DOUG – Resolutions for the Home Gardener


Again, Happy New Year! 2022–it is a number that we all will need to get used to using going forward. Reflecting on many issues and concerns of recent years–especially with this Covid pandemic that we have all been affected by–it is easy to feel overwhelmed and rather helpless with thinking, “I’m only one person, what can I do?”

But even in our own gardens, we can do much to address some of these problems that are plaguing our lives. As gardeners, there are gardening trends that we can try to attempt in 2022.

Here are a few resolutions that I think about and talk to customers about weekly.


One of the strongest trends that have come out of the Covid pandemic these past couple of years is the increased interest in VEGETABLE GARDENING. A well-planned vegetable garden can be expected to yield hundreds of dollars in produce. This produce is highly nutritious food that tastes fresh and is better than store-bought. As we watch the nightly news every evening so many news stories are on the rising cost of food. So, it makes sense to invest in vegetable gardening. Vegetable gardening is an inexpensive recreational activity for all family members to participate in and learn. Gardening is without a doubt both physically and mentally therapeutic. Give it a try this year!!


This past November I did one of my NBC 12 television segments on CONSERVING ENERGY WITH LANDSCAPING. I got a big reaction from viewers who called and wanted to learn more. It is a proven fact that well-placed plantings can significantly temper the microclimate around a home, resulting in a more comfortable environment and big savings in heating and cooling costs over time. Think about planting deciduous shade trees on the south and west sides of your home. These trees will block the hot sun in the summer from heating your house thus reducing the strain on your cooling system. Then, in the winter these trees without leaves will allow the sun to come through and warm up the home thus reducing the heat needed in the winter. This is big savings for your wallet and is helping to conserve energy overall.


Every year more and more homeowners are looking for more alternatives to using chemicals in their landscape. Going more organic is a huge gardening trend that has a lot of momentum as we head into 2022. By reducing or eliminating chemical use is helping our overall environment. We are saving our bees and other valuable pollinators from destruction.


Plan your landscape with food and shelter for wildlife, and incorporate wildflowers and native plants around your home. More and more homeowners are very interested in planting native plants that support our natural wildlife. And, don’t take more from the environment than you return to it. If you heat your home with firewood, plant as many trees as you cut down.


More and more homeowners are finding ways to capture rainwater to use for watering their plants. It has been a few years since we have experienced a water shortage that lead to water restrictions. This past fall was abnormally dry for us. Thank goodness that our plants were in a dormant situation and did not need a lot of water. Also, proper watering will encourage plants to develop a deeper root system with greater tolerance to dry spells. Mulching cuts down on water loss due to evaporation. Tree gators, tree diapers, soaker hoses are all good forms of watering to conserve.


We need to get our children outdoors and involved with growing plants and vegetables. Give a child their own plants and teach them how to care for the plant. It warms my heart when I talk to parents who are gardening with their children involved. And, I love talking to some of our local elementary schools who are now including the basics of horticulture in the curriculum.

So, don’t ever think that what you do can’t make a difference. We can make a significant difference in our individual lives and gardeners collectively can have an impact on many of our nation’s problems.

To read all posts from Doug, visit our blog

4 thoughts on “GARDENING INFO FROM DOUG – Resolutions for the Home Gardener”

  1. Your comments are always such a treat to read. I love to compost in my (2) sf beds. Finely chop up the scraps, throw in some water and a handful of paper shreds, then lift the layer of leaves and dump it in, cover it back up and voila!

    • Linda,
      Good Morning.
      It makes me happy to read that you make your own compost = organic matter to use with plantings. Nothing better then to recycle and re-use what Mother Nature has delivered to us. Doug

    • Doris,
      Good Morning.
      Thank you for sharing your thinking. Spring will be here before we know it and so many people are so ready to enjoy getting outside and start their gardens. Come see us. Doug

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