Keeping Fit Through the Winter


Gardening is excellent exercise, but it’s winter, which leads to spending more time indoors on the couch watching TV. I think I just described myself.

If you are like me, you are already looking ahead to the start of the 2024 gardening season. Now is an excellent time to plan your strategy for work that needs to be done as soon as the weather is warm enough.

The first challenge for this winter is not to let yourself get out of shape. If you are a baby boomer and love gardening, you must do what you can to stay in shape. This means staying physically active all winter. Gardening is a great exercise routine for about eight months of the year. These next three months of downtime prove to be the ultimate challenge to staying fit. So, make a winter plan of exercise and keep moving. Get outside and walk around on sunny days to help stay in shape. Look over your landscape and note what you may want to do when spring arrives.

I admit that I am old and a baby boomer who loves plants and gardening. I am 72 years old now. One thing that I learned to do is to stay within my limits to gain ability and stamina. The most important thing I have changed about my gardening style is to lessen my heavy lifting, bending, and twisting. Try, but know your limits. Here is when I rely on my sons to help. My transformation to container gardening has allowed me to reduce most of the heavy work. All my container gardens—and I have 17—are all a treasure of easy–to–care–for landscapes.

In a nutshell—this winter, stay active. Don’t get too out of shape so that you are ready and eager to get back into gardening once the warmer days arrive. I should follow my advice this winter and get outside as much as possible.


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