Companion Plants for Your Garden

Corn, beans, and squash are the three sisters of companion plants

Most people have heard of the Three Sisters garden—corn, beans, and squash. Well, believe it or not, it makes sense. The corn gives the beans something to climb. The beans affix nitrogen to the soil (and corn loves nitrogen), and the squash suppresses weeds by acting as a mulch. This is companion planting at its … Read more

How to Plant Edibles From Roots or Sets

Asparagus is just one form of edibles that can be grown from roots or sets

What is tastier than asparagus straight from the garden—or strawberries still warm from the sun; spring onions so fresh that soil is still clinging to them? There are many edibles that are grown from packaged roots. They are easy, inexpensive, and fun to grow. Some are even perennial and will provide delicious vegetables for many … Read more

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