Companion Plants for Your Garden

Corn, beans, and squash are the three sisters of companion plants

Most people have heard of the Three Sisters garden—corn, beans, and squash. Well, believe it or not, it makes sense. The corn gives the beans something to climb. The beans affix nitrogen to the soil (and corn loves nitrogen), and the squash suppresses weeds by acting as a mulch. This is companion planting at its … Read more

Simple Steps to Prevent Vegetable Garden Problems

Find out how to prevent vegetable garden problems

Unfortunately, our commonly grown garden vegetables are prone to specific problems. Tomatoes can get Early Blight, Late Blight, Southern Blight, Gray Leaf Spot, Septoria Leaf Spot, Verticillium Wilt, Anthracnose, Fusarium Wilt, etc., as well as aphids, stink bugs, and tomato hornworms. Cucumber family members (cukes, squash, melons, pumpkins) can get Wilt, Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, … Read more

My Favorite Vegetables to Plant

Take some time to enjoy your vegetable gardens

I try to plant at least one new thing every year in my flower and veggie/herb gardens. Over the past few years, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite vegetables. As I continue to try new things, this list is subject to change. Most of my favorite veggies are not necessarily the “standard” varieties. Some … Read more

Start Thinking About Starting Seeds

Now's the time to starting thinking about starting seeds indoors

This is a great time to start thinking about starting seeds. Seed packets will tell you to start six to eight weeks before your average last frost date for tomatoes and peppers. Some people will tell you mid-April is our last frost date. I’ll remind you that last year we had frost after the first … Read more

Let’s Talk Tomatoes

A bountiful and colorful collection of heirloom tomatoes. There are a ton of cool facts about tomatoes

As I was going through the seed racks here to pick out a few favorites to start indoors in a couple of weeks, I decided to do a blog on my favorite varieties. Two words you need to know first—determinate and indeterminate. A determinate tomato is a BUSH—it produces a large crop in a shorter … Read more

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