Things To Do In April

Are you wondering when spring will finally get here?  It sure has been a challenging year so far for gardening.  We had one of the coldest January on record which did a lot of damage to many of our beloved broadleaf evergreen plants.  February was the 4th warmest on record.  Many plants came out of dormancy … Read more

How Much Water Do Your Plants Need and Actually Get?

Proper watering is important. Follow these water-wise tips.

The quickest cause of plant failure is insufficient or incorrect watering. With my blog last week I discussed the sunlight requirements of plants and how choosing the right plant for the right location is so important.  Now, once the correct plant is chosen and properly planted, the cultural care of the plant is also vital … Read more

How Much Light Do You Actually Get?

I know…you are thinking “here goes Doug again getting on his soapbox talking about choosing the right plant for the right location”.  But, in my defense, with working at a retail garden center and working with customers for so many years, this question about light and proper choosing of plants is more of a challenge … Read more

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