I remembered something about my childhood just the other day. As my family would travel to our annual vacation spot, l would gaze out the car window and view America’s wonderful open landscape, daydreaming and wondering; why don’t people fill the countryside with fruit trees and flowers? Life would be grand with all the beautiful gardens and abundant fresh fruit.
Of course, the Green Industry became my clear and natural career choice. And now, for more than 30 years, I’m still going strong, helping people beautify their personal world every day.
This is what years of experience offers, should you decide to call:
- Custom, individualized design, a unique expression of your personality.
- Creative, low-maintenance design based on the foundation of experience and simple elegance.
- In-house crews skilled in a wide variety of hardscaping and softscaping.
- Solid economical solutions when your project is practical in nature; for example drainage, erosion, grading, walls, screening,
- windbreak and other engineering issues.
- One-stop shopping, most estimates are completed the same day.
- The best plant warranty, bar none.
- Fair, competitive pricing gives superior value backed by an ethical management team with your satisfaction the primary goal.
The short list of my qualifications:
- Prior to graduation served as a Landscape, retail, and wholesale laborer and equipment operator.
- B.S degree in Horticulture, VPI&SU, Blacksburg VA 1980.
- Certified VA Nurserymen.
- Member VA Society of Landscape Designers.
- Certified Wildlife Habitat Designer.
- Perennial grower, wholesale, and retail operations.
- Land and water Management for large, estate (20 acre +) properties.
- Deer, geese, and tick management.
- Landscape educator and speaker.
After listening closely to your goals, needs, or wish list, these are some of the questions I will answer in our meeting:
- How do I proceed if I am phasing a project, what comes first, what order makes sense?
- How do I avoid making long-term planting mistakes? (Landscaping once is enough)
- What adds value to my property?
- How do I develop a total outdoor living space?
- How do I arrange plants for low maintenance?
- So many to choose from, how do I pick the perfect plant(s) for my own personality?
- How do I know the best location in my yard for plants?
- What are structural plants and decorative plants?
- How do I develop a program of year-round interest; color, fragrance, berries, and structure?
- How can I be certain I will love my design even though I know nothing about kinds of plants?
- How do I manage and control my Landscape?
- What is overplanting and what is just right?
- What does your landscape communicate about you?
- What is the exact cost of my completed project?
- Accept no substitute for experience.