Stink Bugs are an annoying pest, causing damage to crops and smelling awful while they do it. Though Stink Bugs are not native to the Virginia area, they have become quite a nuisance since they were first observed in Allentown, PA in 1998. Mild winters can lead to increased stink bug populations in the area!
Stink Bugs’ Damage to Crops
Stink bugs wreak havoc on many crops including: tomatoes, apples, peaches, grapes, beans, corn and many ornamental plants. According to the U.S. Apple association, Mid Atlantic apple growers lost $37 million due to damage from stink bugs in 2010! For many farmers, and even small gardeners, stink bugs can be disastrous.
How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs in Virginia
There are no known natural predators to stink bugs in our region, so their population is booming. To control stink bugs use Bonide Eight or Bon-Neem which is an organic insecticide. To prevent them from entering your house identify gaps around windows, doors, and siding a seal them with an acceptable caulking material. Once inside it is best to capture stink bugs either by vacuuming them up
or catching them with a sticky trap. Be aware that you will want to dump your vacuum bag to help keep the odor down. The carcasses should be removed so that carpet beetles cannot feed on them which could lead to a separate infestation.
Will Stink Bugs Go Away Naturally?
Researchers are studying the introduction of a tiny wasp as a predator to minimize the rapid spread of stink bugs. These wasps are native to Asia and attack the eggs of stink bugs before they hatch. This species of wasps does not sting. Scientists have to consider whether introducing the Asian Wasp into the U.S is in the long term best interest of our country since they may also attack the eggs of beneficial insects too.
Get Rid of Stink Bugs in Virginia
If you’re worried about stink bugs around your home, buy some of our products in either on online shop or your local Meadows Farms location. Our staff are happy to help with any questions you may have!