Plants for Wet Areas

Wet areas pose special problems in the landscape. However, there are many plants which may tolerate these poor drainage conditions. In wet areas, the addition of Meadows Farms Planting Mix will improve the soil composition and increase drainage. The following are plants recommended for wet areas. Trees Arborvitae Amlanchier Birch Cryptomeria Maples- Red, Autumn Blaze… Read More


Rhododendrons are one of the most popular spring-blooming plants available. These plants are very hardy in our area and once established will grow profusely with very little maintenance required. Rhododendrons do best in moist, rich, well-drained soil that gets full sun to full shade. Planting Rhododendrons Dig a hole twice the width and one half… Read More

Hydrangea Paniculata Varieties

Hydrangea: Summer-Long Color and More No other group of shrubs we know has undergone such a transformation in recent years as Hydrangeas. For generations, Hydrangeas had languished as dependable, if unexciting, shrubs whose large, pale flower heads provided useful filler for the midsummer garden. Then in 2003, a Midwestern plant breeder introduced Endless Summer, a… Read More

Encore Azaleas

People who adore spring-blooming azaleas can now enjoy an explosion of colors season after season with the Encore Azalea. Each of the many Encore varieties begins their performance with the spring flowering season. Once this “first act” of blooming concludes, new shoots begin to grow and set new buds. The Encore Azalea’s “second act” opens… Read More

Arborvitae Varieties (Thuja)

An evergreen with scale-like leaves, arborvitae (Thuja) is a popular choice for hedges because of its tall, narrow growth habit. It can also be used as a focal point in a mixed border of shrubs and flowers and is frequently used in foundation plantings. Smaller varieties are a great choice for containers or patios. Most… Read More

Fruit Trees – Plums

A fruit tree in your landscape is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come. Once you allow a fruit tree to become established, it will provide a bountiful harvest of your favorite fruits that are fresher and so much sweeter than anything you can find in your local supermarket. This series of… Read More

Fruit Trees – Pears

A fruit tree in your landscape is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come. Once you allow a fruit tree to become established, it will provide a bountiful harvest of your favorite fruits that are fresher and so much sweeter than anything you can find in your local supermarket. This series of… Read More

Fruit Trees – Peaches

A fruit tree in your landscape is an investment that will pay dividends for years to come. Once you allow a fruit tree to become established, it will provide a bountiful harvest of your favorite fruits that are fresher and so much sweeter than anything you can find in your local supermarket. This series of… Read More